This looks nothing like a contests page; in fact, it's lpod's family reunion.

You can go back to the jrc page, but first you might want to hear a bit of a sad story and a bit of a mystery.

In he 1990's I hosted a series of contents for lahc; the first was my kick-off name the cow contest, but that was just a test leading the way to a Tom Swifties competition, an Incredibly Strange Websites competition (alas, Wave to the Cats and the full-on Bill Barker theschwacorporation pages are no longer whinnying with us, more on some of the others in a moment. With the last two competitions: Lpod's Page o'Doom and the Fairytale Nouveaux contests, interest flagged (even though the prizes were getting better and better). Perhaps I'll exhume the spirit of the contests. For now, we are left with a mystery. Where did the winners go?

The answer, of course, is The Mystery Page. Find the page (lpod will show you the way) and then watch the skies (remember This Island Earth?). You'll discover some of the old contest winners.

THEN go back to the jrc page if you like.

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