
1. the cow

OK, let's face it; it's all about the cow

It was 1995, and my office mate, Ann, had just come back from a workshop offered on campus; the subject was HTML. She had a one-sheet handout with some tags on it (no, I didn't know what a tag was, but I saw what they did, and it made sense; it was, in fact, kind of easy.

i meant italic; b meant bold; hr created a horizontal rule--how hard was that?

I fiddled with the tags, viewed the results in a browser; I had made a WEB page. She had a disk with a couple of images on it; one image was of a rose, and that was put onto the page. Back on the one-sheet was a note that .gifs (?) could be found at Barry's Clipart Server, so I went to see. BAM! (as Emeril Lagasse would say), there was a picture of a cow; I grabbed it!

2. stuff

The rest was history (I suppose anything that has already happened is technically history): my first online class was put together in 1996 and tested on some brave students; the English Department WEB page appeared on the LAHC server; more classes came along.

What happend to Ann?

Always competetive, she created even more online classes than I have.

What happened to the Cow?

You saw it! It's still at the top of my homepage :)

Oh, and here's some more stuff: